(Click on a year to view that year's appearances)

2000 was our first "official" year in existence and, at times, it showed, but we persevered and only got better and better. By the end of the year, we were gaining new fans right and left. We also debuted our first CD "We Don't Know", which was actually recorded before we had ever done a paid gig. All in all, a good debut year.

Here are the places the Bilge Pumps performed in the year 2000 making our debut at each one with flair and ragged harmony.

(Click on an event name below to see what happened when the Bilge Pumps landed there)

Mardi Gras Galveston Celtic Quill Pub University of Oklahoma Medieval Fair Pig & Whistle Pub Oklahoma Renaissance Faire "HMS" Rose
Shakespeare in the Park Tipperary Inn Hawkwood Medieval Fantasy Faire Seabrook Music Festival King Arthur Faire Louisiana Renaissance Festival
Dickens on the Strand

For booking information contact Craig Lutke at:
214-415-9563 or by e-mail at

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