Galveston, TX     February 23, 2020

The Bilge Pumps returned to the land that dared hire them 21 years prior for their first gig, Mardi Gras Galveston! They struck the Corona Extra stage with a flurry to headline the Family Gras day of the festival. The band kicked off a 90 minute set complete with 2 parades for additional entertainment.

The Bilge Pumps hit the stage, just ahead of the inevitable parade that will cruise through in 3...2...1...

However, before the parades come by, the audiences need them some pirate music!

The stage techs get all Matrix'y with our logo. Luckily, we could see none of it.

Fanny the Flagmaker gets all selfie'd right before the audience tears through the barricade to kill the band.

Harvey the Corpsman rains down blessings upon the audience.

Frenchie the Quartermaster is ready to make you all buy... uh... everything!

Time to get the audience up and dancing with Johnny Jump Up.

Time to finish off the set with some rock on Yo Ho.

Go back to Past Landings page

or on to more pictures of The Bilge Pumps jaunts from 2020!!

| Pirates on the Prairie IX | Mardi Gras Galveston | LaSalle County Fair | Louisiana Ren Fest |

For booking information contact Craig Lutke at:
214-415-9563 or by e-mail at

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