Galveston, TX     December 5 - 7, 2014

The 41st year of Dickens on the Strand brought out a first for the festival... a Friday night performance for free... and the Bilge Pumps were the headliners! That night was also the unofficial debut of our newest Bilge Pump, Jack the Rum Runner who filled in for the missing Sharkbait Simon. Sharkbait showed up for the rest of the weekend, though, and we proceeded to travel all over the festival cranking out our shows (sometimes two at the same time), and giving the islanders a taste of what a pirate Christmas would look like. We also managed to finish filming our latest Christmas music video, "Pirate Yells". Somewhere, deep down inside, Queen Victoria is smiling... like way, way down inside.

It's Friday night! Time for Jack the Rum Runner to join us onstage!

Fezziwig's Friday night party made its debut at Dickens and the Bilge Pumps got to be the headliners.

The combination of the bright lights and heavy mist revealed the glow inside of Maroon the Shantyman... confirming he's an alien after all.

Sharkbait Simon the Scapegoat joined us for Sat/Sun and provided the string music for our dance party.

Splice the Rigger turns into a deer in the headlights when he tries to remember lyrics to songs.

Splice carries our colors (like... all two of them) in the parade through the Strand.

In sweet retribution for the previous night, Jack (in his alternate personality) get roped back on stage to play a dead Pat Murphy.

When the crowds get large, Sharkbait has to abandon his singing post and help Splice gather up the booty during "Pay Me".

Harvey the Corpsman mollifies the restless audience during sound set up by reciting "A Pirate's Night Before Christmas".

It's time to go on a Donkey Ride, and since we're on an island, it won't be a very long ride.

Splice gives deep thought to his city name rhyme... though it's likely to still rhyme with Dallas no matter what.

As the sun sets, the Bilge Pumps continue on on the main stage... even if the audience goes home and we're just doing it for the sound guy.

The festival set up a new stage in 2014 and we got a chance to give it a break in on Sunday morning. Kind of like sprinkling it with unholy water.

Splice and Harvey break into Rock, Paper, Scissors to avoid having to sing lead on the next song.

Splice and Harvey turn into swingers during "Pirating the Seas".

Our thanks go to Dana Smith for the donated pictures


A Pirate Auld Lang Syne
This rarely performed song get the best backdrop possible with the tall ship Elissa
Uploaded: Feb 10 2015     720 X 400    02:43 min.   
The Twelve Days of Christmas
Jack the Rum Runner gets to sing rarely rehearsed Christmas carols on his first appearance with the band.
Uploaded: Feb 10 2015     720 X 400    04:56 min.   

Go back to Past Landings page

or on to more pictures of The Bilge Pumps jaunts from 2014!!

| Pirates on the Prairie III | Mardi Gras Galveston | Medieval Fair of Norman | Texas Pirate Festival |
| The Pirate's Cove | San Diego Sea Shanty Festival | Pirate Night at QuikTrip Park | CD Release Party |
| Louisiana Ren Fest | Dickens on the Strand |

For booking information contact Craig Lutke at:
214-415-9563 or by e-mail at

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