Hammond, LA     November 1 - 9, 2014

The Bilge Pumps returned for their 13th year in Hammond and we returned to the Kings Stage in time to clean up before the Duelists got there and thought we were bad roommates. We had a nice time debuting our new "Bail Money" CD at the festival and cranking out some of our goofiest songs and performances at one of the few festivals around where we don't have to use microphones. It was like the Bilge Pumps... untethered. We also hooked up with the Whiskey Bay Rovers and other musicians for the first ever Pub Sing at the festival. We took over the Painted Badger Pub at the end of the day and proceeded to give the pirate lovers out there something to drink to until the cannon signaled the end of the day... and sometimes longer.

The Painted Badger Pub welcomes us back into her embrace, ensuring the legacy of Hawkwood still continues, even 7 hours away.

If there's every any doubt about who to blame when things go wrong, you can't go wrong with blaming John Crow the Cook.

The band welcomed everyone to the Kings Stage by making them get up and dance with us. Because the Bilge Pumps never dance alone.

In the true pirate fashion, we refused to do any Louisiana songs and went straight to Canadian songs... like "Farewell to Nova Scotia".

Splice cross dressed in the name of entertainment. Something that's been done since the caveman days, we're sure.

So many of our shows end up with a scene like this.

Our buddy Grace O'Malley made us do "Barrett's Privateers" every morning right after brushing our teeth. Oh, and she made us brush our teeth.

Pirates and ninjas, two natural enemies rarely seen in the wild at the same time.

The Bilge Pumps and the Whiskey Bay Rovers took the first two Saturdays created the first Pub Sing in LRF since the great ice storm of 2000.

Maroon the Shantyman got to unleash his inner child by firing the scorpion at a nearby booth.

Some sort of a twister must have hit the band for something like this to happen.

Go back to Past Landings page

or on to more pictures of The Bilge Pumps jaunts from 2014!!

| Pirates on the Prairie III | Mardi Gras Galveston | Medieval Fair of Norman | Texas Pirate Festival |
| The Pirate's Cove | San Diego Sea Shanty Festival | Pirate Night at QuikTrip Park | CD Release Party |
| Louisiana Ren Fest | Dickens on the Strand |

For booking information contact Craig Lutke at:
214-415-9563 or by e-mail at

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