Long Beach, CA     August 2, 2014

As the first part of our 2014 trip to California, we headed up to Long Beach to perform for our friends at the Pirate's Cove store at Shoreline Village. It turned out to be Maroon the Shantyman's first attempt at playing guitar on stage in absence of our usual grumpy guitarista, Sharkbait Simon. Tha audience was nice enough to not pay attention. The band did its 4-man show, pounding out 3 45-minute sets with full-on irreverence. We re-connected with California fans we haven't seen in 10 years and turned lots of heads and raised eyebrows on the boardwalk and store front. People just wanting to do a bit of Saturday shopping had their eyes and ears burned instead.

The Bilge Pumps arrive at the Pirate's Cove, staying downwind enough that people might actually go into the store.

It's finally happened. Maroon the Shantyman was forced to take up guitar. This time to cover for the missing Sharkbait.

John Crow the Cook decides to go ahead and kidnap a young pirate to start them on guitar to replace Maroon.

Now whose bright idea was it to put the pirates right where all the unlocked boats are docked?

Maroon has been taking overly dramatic theater lessons to go along with his guitar lessons.

Splice the Rigger blames everyone else for all the bad lyrics during "All For Me Grog".

When Harvey the Corpsman breaks into jokes, Maroon can't take it any longer.

Maroon gets awarded a knife for being the pirate that could most embarrass Maroon on stage. (You should have heard the guitar)

Maroon looks to a higher power to put some humor and music into the show. Didn't work. Never does.

John Crow pulls bells out of unmentionable places during "Strike the Bell".

The piratical audience gathers in for a group shot. You can just barely see us behind the rum fumes.

One might call this shot arrrrrrtistic!

Our thanks go to Jeff Madl for the donated pictures


Congo River
Harvey spews forth his piratey stew all over the boardwalk
Uploaded: Aug 12 2014     720 X 400    01:30 min.   
The Derelict
Stunning the passersby with the most famous pirate song ever written
Uploaded: Aug 12 2014     720 X 400    03:14 min.   

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or on to more pictures of The Bilge Pumps jaunts from 2014!!

| Pirates on the Prairie III | Mardi Gras Galveston | Medieval Fair of Norman | Texas Pirate Festival |
| The Pirate's Cove | San Diego Sea Shanty Festival | Pirate Night at QuikTrip Park | CD Release Party |
| Louisiana Ren Fest | Dickens on the Strand |

For booking information contact Craig Lutke at:
214-415-9563 or by e-mail at

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