Arlington, TX     December 14, 2013

Cookies Emporium of Adventure was putting on a benefit concert to raise money and toys for Toys for Tots and needed some interesting entertainment to flesh out their show.. enter the Bilge Pumps! Maroon teamed up with the Stilt Lady, A Pair of Pirates, and Derek the Dalek in the Gold Nugget's parking lot to encourage people to donate before the show. The Bilge Pumps were the second band on for the evening and the usual patrons of the bar stayed on out of morbid curiosity to see what these invading pirates were going to do to their establishment. A nice show mixing our pirate carols and sea songs was well received and we helped raise money for needy kids. Aren't we just sweeties?

Splice the Rigger sets up pre-show in the green room, checking out the food and drinks.

Maroon the Shantyman puts together a special holiday set list with extra Christmas springled in.

The poor sound guy gets the not-so-fun job of trying to make a bunch of pirates sound good in a bar.

Sound's set. Time to fire up a show. Anyone know where the autotune is?

The rest of the band hangs out while Maroon works. We're like the highway crew of the pirate circuit.

Meanwhile, at stage left, Sharkbait Simon the Scapegoat radiates his usual enthusiasm for the show.

Maroon and Splice compete to see who can find the lyrics to an obscure Christmas song first.

Splice is now forced to sing "Harvey the Corpsman" for the first time on stage.

Hmm, it's a bar and it's time for "Johnny Jump Up". Should there be altar boy jokes in here?


Jolly Old Saint Nicholas
We have very specific ideas of what happens to Santa if he skips our ship
Uploaded: Jan 17 2014     720 X 400    01:20 min.   
Freezing Balls
Trying out a new Christmas song for the first time on stage.
Uploaded: Jan 17 2014     720 X 400    02:19 min.   

Go back to Past Landings page

or on to more pictures of The Bilge Pumps jaunts from 2013!!

| Mardi Gras Galveston | CD Release Party @ the Ritz | Medieval Fair of Norman | Scarborough Ren Fest |
| Texas Pirate Festival | Changing Winds Benefit Concert | Pirate Night at QuikTrip Park | Highlands and Islands Concert |
| Louisiana Ren Fest | Dickens on the Strand | Lost Toys in Candy Land |

For booking information contact Craig Lutke at:
214-415-9563 or by e-mail at

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