Grand Prairie, TX     July 26, 2013

As a supplemental event to the Changing Winds Benefit Concert, the Bilge Pumps helped to put on Pirate Night at the Grand Prairie Airhogs professional baseball game at QuikTrip Park in Grand Prairie. The Bilge Pumps, joined by the Stilt Lady and the Pirates of the Pearl, gathered together to raise funds for the family of Scott Balliet, whose home was destroyed in the May 20th tornado that struck Moore, OK. In addition to raising donations, we hit the field for sideline games between innings, tortured the team mascot, sang "Take Me Out to the Ballgame" in the 7th inning stretch, and Maroon even got to throw out the first pitch! It was a fun night all the way around. Buccaneers and baseball, what more could you want?

Yeesh! They'll put any old thing up on the screen these days.

The Airhogs made that cardinal mistake, welcoming pirates into their home. We're like stinky vampires.

John Crow the Cook mans the donation collection table while Maroon goes out to frolick about

In this case, Maroon the Shantyman's heading out to throw out the ceremonial first pitch of the game.

Well, it's definitely not a fastball... being a pirate, he probably throws a spitball for sure.

Afterwards, Maroon decides to hang out with more pirates.

Stilt Lady Natty and Fred Sparrow hang out with the biggest head in the pirate world... bigger even than Maroon's.

John Crow refuses to put up with any more shenanigans... unless he's in the middle of them.

So Crow and Fred Sparrow take off to capture the Airhogs' mascot, Scout. Only to get more than they bargained for.

Maroon and Scout get into a dance competition on the field in between innings

Natty and Maroon play a game of "The World's Largest Strike Zone" with a contestant from the stands.

Natty gets struck out!

Maroon continues his pursuit of the taquito and hot dog after the mascots race.

Fred Sparrows fall victim to his own schemes as he's attacked by balloon swords that he made himself.

The Pumps and family pose with the collected donations for the Balliet family.


The Mascot Race
Maroon and a member of the Pirates of the Pearl decide that an 8 ft hot dog and taquito are waaay too enticing to pass up.
Uploaded: Aug 05 2013     720 X 400    00:43 min.   
Dancing to the Macarena
John Crow and members of the Pirates of the Pearl get down and boogie to the ultimate one-hit wonder.
Uploaded: Aug 05 2013     720 X 400    01:06 min.   

Go back to Past Landings page

or on to more pictures of The Bilge Pumps jaunts from 2013!!

| Mardi Gras Galveston | CD Release Party @ the Ritz | Medieval Fair of Norman | Scarborough Ren Fest |
| Texas Pirate Festival | Changing Winds Benefit Concert | Pirate Night at QuikTrip Park | Highlands and Islands Concert |
| Louisiana Ren Fest | Dickens on the Strand | Lost Toys in Candy Land |

For booking information contact Craig Lutke at:
214-415-9563 or by e-mail at

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