Galveston, TX     December 4 - 5, 1999

While visiting Galveston for Dickens, The Bilge Pumps pirated some keys to the gate (even though it was open) and stole aboard the tall ship Elissa, anchored at the Texas Seaport Museum and owned by the Galveston Historical Society.

 Bilge Pumps singing

The Bilge Pumps singing "Drunken Sailor" on the quarterdeck of the Elissa.... right before we show everyone!

The Bilge Pumps singing Sailor's Prayer

The Bilge Pumps singing "Sailor's Prayer" near the ships wheel on the Elissa. The crew's probably praying we'll shut up.

singing near the helm

Another shot of us singing near the helm. By now, the crew is gathering weapons.

A rag-tag band of singers

A rag-tag band of singers has boarded the Elissa.

a nice front side

That lady's got a nice front side to her, she does!

 photo op amidships

We all decide we can't resist the photo op amidships near the shrouds (that's the rigging in the background for ye landlubbers).

mug it up

It's almost sickening to watch how this group can mug it up!

the grand lady's sails and rigging lines

Here's a shot of the grand lady's sails and rigging lines.

rigging lines of the Elissa

The rigging lines of the Elissa will confuse ya so bad you fall in the ocean if you stare too long.

Gun`s up boys

Gun's up, boys! Them women ain't gonna come over here without some persuading!

Mitch Phil and Maroon

Mitch, Phil, and Maroon clown around with one of the crew. Meanwhile, she plots their demise.

Go back to Past Landings page

or on to more pictures of The Bilge Pumps jaunts from 1999!!

| Hawkwood Medieval Fantasy Faire | Texas Renaissance Festival | Dickens on the Strand | Tall Ship Elissa |

For booking information contact Craig Lutke at:
214-415-9563 or by e-mail at

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