Roanoke, TX     August 26 - October 1, 2000

The Bilge Pumps returned to the place that contributed to their birth a year ago, the Hawkwood Fantasy Faire. We toiled and labored in the grueling 110 degree weather the first few weekends and then cruised towards the end, making loads of new fans and friends along the way. Between our 2 Dragon Attack Stunt Shows and our 3 Bilge Pumps shows, we were pretty tired at the end of the run.

The Bilge Pumps get down

The Bilge Pumps get down on the chorus to "Johnny Jump Up", even though the temperature on that stage was about 110 degrees.

Maroon flashing

Kailyn appears to be mesmerized by Maroon flashing his bum to the crowd."

Maroon and E are joyful!!

Maroon and E demonstrate their joy at working with each other on "Johnny Jump Up".

E sings about hanging

E gets to sing about hanging his former Captain in "Haul Away Joe".

Maroon and Squeegy dance

The natives must be restless as Maroon and Squeegy dance like indians on "Eliza Lee".

Squeegy chows down

Squeegy chows down on a frosty shake right before he starts belching... er... I mean belting out a tune.

Phil must have gotten some sour mash

From the looks on his face, Phil must have gotten some sour mash in that bottle.

Maroon receives a birthday gift

Maroon receives a birthday gift from the rest of the 'Pumps, a shiny new sextant. Maybe it'll help him find a key to sing in.

Danika tries to avoid the cameras

True to form, our newly appointed Quartermaster, Danika, tried to avoid the cameras, but was a bit slow.

Snaarf takes Squints place

Our normal lookout Squint seemed to be unavailable for about 6 weeks, so we hired on Snaarf the dragonman to take his place.

Children frolick

Children frolick at The Bilge Pumps show. Ah, the easily corruptible minds of youth.


Our normal oh-so-cute cabinboy has been replaced by... Frankensqueegy!

groovy vibes

Uh oh. Kailyn's starting to feel those groovy vibes again. He's probably about to pass a stone.

dance pirates! dance!

Sometimes they just can't help themselves and pirates have to dance at random times.

an uncanny instinct to sense out a camera

Many people believe Maroon has an uncanny instinct to sense out a camera pointed at him from any distance.

Maroon tries to focus

Maroon tries to focus on the next verse while the rest of the crew hams it up on "Old Dun Cow".

Drunken Sailor

Phil does his jock itch dance again for "Drunken Sailor".

Kailyn breaks out his axe

It's "All For Me Grog" time, when Kailyn breaks out his axe to go with Squeegy's axe and they.... are lumberjacks and they're OK.

popular suggestions

Maroon comes up with those popular suggestions for doing things to drunken sailors.

Kailyn gets retribution

Kailyn gets retribution on E for all the bad stuff that happened to him during "Itches in Me Britches".

Phil remembers a lyric

Phil looks to be a bit surprised while singing. He must have actually remembered a lyric.

alien Nell

Nell forgoes pirate clothes in favor of her dragonwoman outfit, complete with shades. Kind of makes her look like an alien, don't it?

Phil and his codpiece

Phil takes his codpiece (the broken hilt to his sword) and proceeds to rack himself with it.

Kailyn Dammit puts on his pretty face

Kailyn Dammit puts on his pretty face while acting out the story of Maroon's childhood on "Itches in Me Britches".

The search for our captain has ended

The search for our captain has ended! He now shows up wearing his captain's hat and sporting a silly French accent!

seven foot Napoleon

The results of the captain's return acting like a 7ft. Napoleon has predictable results on the rest of the crew... laughter!

rampaging hillbilly

Uh, oh. The captain's back again, this time he's turned into a rampaging hillbilly.

hillbilly captain

The hillbilly captain is about to bite E's kneecaps off!

the captain spent  time in Jamaica

The captain just never looked the same after spending that time in Jamaica.

Swiss Army Hook Captain

The captain has turned Mexican on us, and he's armed with his Swiss Army Hook!

 samurai warrior

Now the captain has turned into a samurai warrior... in silly carribbean pants.

someone must have cut the cheese

E makes the worst face at Maroon on stage. Someone must have cut the cheese.

Phil the pokemon

Phil (aka the Pokemon) does his little pikachu dance after scaring the bejeesus out of the rest of the crew.

Maroon and Phil go after E

Maroon and Phil aren't quite prepared for what they find when they start going after E.

Our thanks go to Mary Dossey, Donna Fagans, Aaron Pettit, Lee Stradley, and Lorna Fairchild for the picture donations.


Bonnie Ship the Diamond
This might be the last time we ever did this song on stage.
Uploaded: Oct 15 2000     320 X 240    01:59 min.   
Johnny Jump Up
Pulling our buddy Ray Proctor (the co-arranger of the song) on stage to show him how we do it
Uploaded: Oct 15 2000     320 X 240    04:41 min.   

Go back to Past Landings page

or on to more pictures of The Bilge Pumps jaunts from 2000!!

| Mardi Gras Galveston | Celtic Quill Pub | University of Oklahoma Medieval Fair | Pig & Whistle Pub |
| Oklahoma Renaissance Faire | "HMS" Rose | Shakespeare in the Park | Tipperary Inn |
| Hawkwood Medieval Fantasy Faire | Seabrook Music Festival | King Arthur Faire | Louisiana Renaissance Festival |
| Dickens on the Strand |

For booking information contact Craig Lutke at:
214-415-9563 or by e-mail at

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