Galveston, TX     December 2 - 3, 2000

The Bilge Pumps returned to the strand in Galveston to revel in the Christmas holiday spirit and try not to freeze our goolies off in the process. We had entirely too much fun playing with everyone involved with the festival, laid waste to the best-laid microphone plans and diagrams, and made new friends/fans, including the crew of the Elissa, as well. What more could you ask for?

Elissa Show

The Bilge Pumps perform at the West India Dock, home of the Texas Seaport Museum, where the tallship Elissa is anchored

Queen's Parade

Who let the pirates out? Marching along in the Queen's Parade behind the Army, comes a bunch of former Navy boys with an attitude

Natty and Danika

Natty the Navigator and Danika the Quartermaster wait around with the rest of us for the Queen's Parade to begin.

Holly and Siren

Our friend Holly and Siren the Rigger also mill around, dodging the horse droppings. Notice how Siren went all Victorian on us for a day?

At Texas Seaport Museum

E, Siren, Maroon, and Squeegy pose for one shot before they dive into the away boat and hope to steal aboard the Elissa

10 String Guitar

Squeegy tries to cover up the fact, he's just broke another string on his 12 string guitar.

E on the quarterdeck

After all the whining E did about not having a picture of him on the Elissa when the rest of us did, we decided to throw him a bone. 'Course, he's big, so we did it very nicely.

The Covent Garden Stage

It's dance time as we Roll the Woodpile Down at the Covent Garden Stage, where The Bilge Pumps performed to their biggest crowds of the year.

That Drunken Captain

This is how the damned drunken captain of the Exxon tanker looked before he cracked open his beer... I mean ship.

The Elissa

The grand lady Elissa. For once, we finally got to hang out on her in decent weather.

It's tip time!

Time to wrap up the show with "Beggarman". Notice how Phil method acts the part by collecting tips from the crowd?

Darkness descends

Nighttime comes pretty early in December, but that doesn't stop us. Bring on the lights! Christmas lights, that is.

Santa watches

Even Santa Claus came out to watch The Bilge Pumps in action. What a nice gesture!

Robbing Santa

Of course, he should have known better. har har!

Go back to Past Landings page

or on to more pictures of The Bilge Pumps jaunts from 2000!!

| Mardi Gras Galveston | Celtic Quill Pub | University of Oklahoma Medieval Fair | Pig & Whistle Pub |
| Oklahoma Renaissance Faire | "HMS" Rose | Shakespeare in the Park | Tipperary Inn |
| Hawkwood Medieval Fantasy Faire | Seabrook Music Festival | King Arthur Faire | Louisiana Renaissance Festival |
| Dickens on the Strand |

For booking information contact Craig Lutke at:
214-415-9563 or by e-mail at

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