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The Ballad of Captain Kidd

My name is Captain Kidd, as I sailed, as I sailed
My name is Captain Kidd, as I sailed
My name is Captain Kidd, God's laws I did forbid
And most wickedly I did, as I sailed, as I sailed
And most wickedly I did, as I sailed

Oh, my parents taught me well, as I sailed, as I sailed
My parents taught me well, as I sailed
My parents taught me well to shun the gates of Hell
But against them I rebelled, as I sailed, as I sailed
Against them I rebelled, as I sailed

Well, I murdered William Moore, as I sailed, as I sailed
I murdered William Moore, as I sailed
I murdered William Moore and I left him in his gore
Forty leagues from shore, as I sailed, as I sailed
Forty leagues from shore, as I sailed

And being cruel still, as I sailed, as I sailed
And being cruel still, as I sailed
And being cruel still the gunner I did kill
And his precious blood did spill, as I sailed, as I sailed
His precious blood did spill, as I sailed

Well, my repentance lasted not, as I sailed, as I sailed
My repentance lasted not, as I sailed
My repentance lasted not, my vows I soon forgot
Damnation was my lot, as I sailed, as I sailed
Damnation was my lot, as I sailed

To execution dock I must go, I must go
To execution dock I must go
To execution dock, lay my head upon the block
And no more the laws I'll mock, as I sail, as I sail
No more the laws I'll mock, as I sail

My name is Captain Kidd, as I sailed, as I sailed
My name is Captain Kidd, as I sailed
My name is Captain Kidd, God's laws I did forbid
And most wickedly I did, as I sailed, as I sailed
And most wickedly I did, as I sailed

Oh, my name was Captain Kidd

For booking information contact Craig Lutke at:
214-415-9563 or by e-mail at

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