Tortuga, now known as Grand Cayman, is a 20-mile long island in the Caribbean that many pirates used as a base of operations. Famous pirates such as L'Ollonais and Henry Morgan used the island as a platform for attacking ships in the Spanish main in the mid-1600's. It was a safe haven where pirates could come and exchange booty for hard currency and would promptly spend it on booze, food, and whores until they ran out of money and were forced to go back on the account.
This song was written to show a pirate's longing for what became their home for a few weeks between sojourns into the sea. I mean, why does a pirate go steal all that money if they don't have something good to spend it on?
Vocals: all, Steel Drum: Craig Lutke, Guitar: Christopher Dallion, Doumbek: Craig Lutke