Galveston, TX     February 2, 2002

The beer was a flowin' and the wind was a blowin' at The Bilge Pumps' return engagement at Mardi Gras at the Strand in Galveston. We came in and sang with lusto and gusto to the shivering folk that come out to watch us open up for bands like Ian Moore, Delbert McClinton, and Better than Ezra. We also had to throw beads, collect beads, and ogle women... just like pirates did in the old days.

Rock on, Squeegy

Squeegy returns to rock the house!

We give up

It's a cold, blustery morning in Galveston, and Kailyn looks ready to give up and go find a coat.

drumming for warmth

One way to stay warm in the wind chill is to start drumming for all you're worth on "Johnny Jump Up".

Sharing a mic

Because E kept eating the microphones, everyone had to end up sharing.

Sales force

The Bilge Pumps sales force makes plans on how to tackle the next lone patron walking by, forcing them to buy a CD.

farewell and adieu

The pirate tale of "Spanish Ladies" distracts the audience with it's haunting melody...

A sale!

...hypnotizing them into buying a CD.

The legend lives on

A loyal fan of The Bilge Pumps draws out their story on the stone, just like the caveman.

Mop drums

Mop bought himself a brand new toy to play with for this show.

Time to Mop up

It's time to Mop the house as our Swabbie gets funky on "Mrs. McGrath".

Tossing beads

It's all over now and there's nothing left to do but toss the beads. Unless you're E, who keeps getting his all tangled up.


Spanish Ladies (A Pirate's Tale)
With Mop whistle and Squeegy's guitar leading us in and out
Uploaded: Feb 15 2002     320 X 240    04:17 min.   
Johnny Jump Up
With the dynamic duo of Squeegy & Maroon on drums
Uploaded: Feb 15 2002     320 X 240    04:21 min.   

Go back to Past Landings page

or on to more pictures of The Bilge Pumps jaunts from 2002!!

| Mardi Gras Galveston | Griff's St. Patrick's Day Festival | OU Medieval Fair | Pig & Whistle Pub CD Recording Party |
| Oklahoma Renaissance Faire | Blackbeard's Pirate Festival | San Diego Sea Shanty Festival | Queen Mariah Riverboat |
| Texas Renaissance Festival | Louisiana Renaissance Festival |

For booking information contact Craig Lutke at:
214-415-9563 or by e-mail at

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