The Bilge Pumps returned to our busiest faire with the fast-moving 5 shows/day schedule. The renovations to the stages and the faire site were quite cool and we took full advantage of them. We made appearances at the Pub sing and the Smoker adult pub and had a grand ole' time with everything. The weather was great, the audiences even greater, and we had so much fun it had to be considered our most successful festival yet.
The mighty E the Bosun belts out the lead to "Botany Bay" on the final weekend.
Even Megan the Pirate Queen gets into the "huh!" on "Johnny Jump Up".
Pat Murphy... er... I mean Maroon gets shoved around a lot on this song.
After falling off the stage in quite the unorthodox manner, Galleon has to sit while Mop is punished by dancing to "Drunken Sailor".
We likes Muskogee, 'cause we get to hang out with our friends Tullamore. We tend to harrass them alot, too.
'Course, they'll harrass us right back, as is the case here with their rendition of the "Rollin'" portion of our version of "Old Dun Cow". That's damn funny stuff.
Speaking of rollin', The 'Pumps get all synched up dancing to CCR during "Roll the Woodpile Down".
Look at that expression. You can't tell me Mop doesn't get off on going for those tips.
The Bosun apparently likes to take advantage of dead guys on "The Night Pat Murphy Died".
Maroon just loves trying to stay on beat with Mop & Squeegy wiggling their squigglies behind him on "Pay Me".
The audience was out in force this year to see the pirates strut their stuff singing "Excursion Around the Bay". There's no accounting for musical taste, it there?
There seems to have been a slight problem with our stage being next to the archery range.
Danika the Quartermaster is positively covered in Bilge Pumps merchandise. Hey, what's that guy looking at behind her?
Just like old times. Squeegy gives chase to Maroon while showing off his oh-so-naughty tan lines.
Mop's continuing mission.... to boldly go where no man has gone before.
The fun with Pat Murphy continues as they make him sing no matter what position he's in.
It's limbo time on "Black Ball Line". Careful, though, you could fall off the stage doing that!
Moving inside to the Castle, we perform to the children whose eyes get continually glazed over.
Rachel from Tullamore pulls out the ultimate distraction for Mop on "Mrs. McGrath".
Next thing you know, he's wearing a Tullamore ballcap! Man, that's quite the... um... sales job she laid on him.
Continuing with the dirty thoughts, The Bilge Pumps roll into the Smoker Pub to sing a couple of their naughtier songs.
Tara from Tullamore gets in on the action, helping dispose of the body on "The Night Pat Murphy Died".
Looks like E needs to turn that gun the other direction.
Whoa now! Looks like booty ain't all Laurel will grab if your name is Squeegy!
"Johnny Jump Up" got mutated into a dance contest somewhere during the run of this faire.
All right, for all you ladies who kept asking. Here it is! Mop's butt. (Collective sigh)
Kailyn goes with the blind man's double-patch look after getting poked in the eye onstage.
Squint sports his new look on his guest weekend with us.
Mop gets a bit more than he bargained for while husband hunting on the "Three Song".
It's wingnut vs. wingnut as our Cabin Boy, Squeegy, goes against Albruit, the Cabin Boy of our friends, The Musical Blades in a game of stretch.
Our thanks go to Donna Fagans and Laurel Bryant for the picture donations.