Fort Worth, TX     August 10, 2002

A rainy morning didn't bode well for our second CD recording party of the year for our CD, "Brigands with Big'uns", but the showers stopped on Lake Worth and that party on the Queen Mariah riverboat began. The Bilge Pumps and our friends October Country laid down some music and antics forever preserved on shiny plastic.

The Bilge Pumps welcome in their newest member, Aloysius, by singing a railroad shanty, "Weldon".

Maroon and Harvey show how to belt out a pirate opera.

Phil McGroin rejoins us onstage and tries to remember the steps to his "Drunken Sailor" dance.

Our good friend Tara from Tullamore came to help us out on violin. This time for a powerful rendition of "The Dark Lady".

Uh, oh. When Maroon drops dead suddenly, then it must be time for "The Night Pat Murphy Died".

Now that's no way to treat a dead guy.

Oh, so that's what the other side of the stage looks like during that song.

Mop gets really close to Harvey on their first date on the "Three Song".

It's time to take a moment and just get to know each other.

It's time to record "Excursion Around the Bay", surely the band won't screw that up.

It's hammer time as the guys show how a pirate really survives those long trips.

Mop does his finest impression of a cockatoo's mating dance.

It's time to begin "Old Dun Cow". It always starts to quiet and controlled...

...then bad things start to happen, like Mop taking off his pants...

...then everyone starts getting jiggy wid' it...

...then even Tara reacts in horror as Squeegy licks the brown sauce off E's thumb after he's had it someplace I just can't mention...

...and that's when you can tell you've reached a new comedic peak.

Our thanks go to Mary Dossey, Donna Fagans, and Rachel Nicholson for their picture donations.


The Dark Lady
The Dark Lady sighs with Tara McCullough on violin
Uploaded: Aug 15 2002     320 X 240    05:37 min.   
Excursion Around the Bay
Mop the Swabbie leads us in a rousing Canadian tune
Uploaded: Aug 15 2002     320 X 240    01:38 min.   

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or on to more pictures of The Bilge Pumps jaunts from 2002!!

| Mardi Gras Galveston | Griff's St. Patrick's Day Festival | OU Medieval Fair | Pig & Whistle Pub CD Recording Party |
| Oklahoma Renaissance Faire | Blackbeard's Pirate Festival | San Diego Sea Shanty Festival | Queen Mariah Riverboat |
| Texas Renaissance Festival | Louisiana Renaissance Festival |

For booking information contact Craig Lutke at:
214-415-9563 or by e-mail at

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